Leonardo Bandini


He graduated with a degree in Statistics in 2023 and began his career at Iason in the same year, focusing on credit risk. Since then, he has contributed to the validation of key risk models for some of the leading Italian banks, including models based on machine learning techniques.


EBA Follow-Up Report on the Use of Machine Learning for Internal Ratings-Based Models

Artificial Intelligence: Risks and Opportunities for the Banking System

EBA Supervisory Handbook on the Validation of Rating Systems under the Internal Ratings-Based Approach

EBA Supervisory Handbook​ on the Validation of Rating Systems​ Under the Internal Ratings-Based Approach​ - Part 2

EBA Supervisory Handbook on the Validation of Rating Systems Under the Internal Ratings-Based Approach - Part 1

European Commission – Proposal for a Regulation on the Transparency and Integrity of ESG Rating Activities
