/ Featured Publications
EIOPA: Comparative Study on Market and Credit Risk Modelling
Argo Magazine N.26 - Summer 2024
Market Risk Modeling Extension with Climate and Environmental Risk Factors
Managing IRRBB: Overview of the New EBA Guidelines and the Importance of an Advanced Sight-deposits Behavioural Model
LGD Stress Testing: a Bayesian Averaging Modeling Approach
Asset Tokenization - Potential and Challenges of a Disruptive Technology
Behavioral Modelling and ALM - A Scenario Analysis on the Italian Banking System
Quantum Monte Carlo Option Pricing
Real-Time Exposures and xVAs: a Neural Network Approach
Advancements in Bank Stress Tests: from Bayesian Averaging to Causal AI
Challenger Models: Methodological Approach and Use
Risk Attribution
Corporate Default Forecasting with Machine Learning
Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Interpreting Default Forecasting Models Based on Machine Learning
A Random Forest Approach to Evaluating NPL Porfolios
Causal AI: Not the AI You Use to Know
ECB Economy-wide Climate Stress Test: Methodology and Results
A Quantization Overview to Credit Counterparty Risk
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Principles for the Use of Algorithms in Decision-making Processes
ESG: BIS – Climate-related Risks – Measurement Methodologies and their Transmission Channels
Climate Stress Test Banque de France’s First Pilot Exercise: Main Results and Methodology - Focus on Transition Risk
NPL Classification A Random Forest Approach (Rev.)
NPL Classification A Random Forest Approach
Modeling of Libor-Ois Basis (Rev)
Towards a Theory of Internal Valuation and Transfer Pricing of Products in a Bank: Funding, Credit Risk and Economic Capital (Rev)
Market Instruments for Collateral Management (Rev)
Collateral Management: Processes, Tools and Metrics (Rev)
Maximizing Cumulative Prospect Utility for Target Annuity Investment Strategies
A Benchmark Framework for IFRS9 Multiyear-PD Curves Estimation and Stress Testing Exercise - an Application
Modelling Banking Commissions
Analysis of the New Standards to Measure and Manage the Risk of the Banking Book Issued by BIS Committee
Pricing of derivatives contracts under collateral agreements: liquidity and funding value adjustments
Smile-consistent CMS adjustment in closed form: introducing the Vanna-Volga approach
Consistent pricing of FX options
Analytical pricing of CDOs in a multi-factor setting by a moment-matching approach
Interrelations Amongst Liquidity, Market and Credit Risks: Some Proposals for Integrated Approaches
Funding, liquidity, credit and counterparty links and implications
Pricing swaps including funding costs
Analytical credit VaR with stochastic probabilities of defaults and recoveries