#Regulation Framework
/ Featured Publications
Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act)
EBA Report on the Role of Environmental and Social Risks in the Prudential Framework
EBA Consultation Paper Draft Guidelines on the Management of ESG Risks
BCBS Consultative Document: Recalibration of Shocks for Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book
EBA Report on the Role of Environmental and Social Risk in the Prudential Framework (EBA/REP/2023/34)
Digital Assets: A Regulatory Overview
Crypto-asset Service Providers Introduction on ML/TF Risk Factors Guidelines
Riciclaggio e Finanziamento del Terrorismo: Normativa ed Evidenze
ECB Staff Opinion on the First Set of European Sustainability Reporting Standards
2023 EBA Consultation Paper on the Amending ITS on Supervisory Reporting to Introduce New IRRBB Reporting
ECB: Thematic Review on Climate and Environmental Risks
2022 EBA Final Draft on RTS for Supervisory Outliers Tests (SOTs) for IRRBB
2022 EBA Final Draft on RTS on Standardized Approach and Simplified Standardized Approach for IRRBB
2022 EBA Guidelines on IRRBB and CSRBB
AML/CFT Colleges in European Union: Evidences from EBA
Regolamento (UE) 1273/2022 - Nuovi Obblighi di Comunicazione
Credit Risk: Basel IV Regulatory Framework and New Frontiers
EU Taxonomies on ESG Regulation
EBA - Discussion Paper “The Role of Environmental Risks in the Prudential Framework"
Banca d'Italia - Aspettative di Vigilanza sui Rischi Climatici e Ambientali
Argo Magazine N.21 - 2022
EU Regulation on Artificial Intelligence
AML/CFT: The Risk‐Based Supervision Guidelines of European Banking Authority
ECB: The State of Climate and Environmental Risk Management in the Banking Sector
Principles for the Effective Management and Supervision of Climate-related Financial Risks
European Commission - Regulation on Artificial Intelligence
EBA Analysis of RegTech in the EU Financial Sector: Deep Dives into RegTech Segments
EBA Analysis of RegTech in the EU Financial Sector
FATF Evidences on Money Laundering from Environmental Crime
Introduction on Money Laundering and Financial Terrorism Risks
Climate Change Risks: Overview, Supervisory Expectations and Implications for Financial Institutions
ECB Guide on Climate-Related and Environmental Risks: Supervisory Expectations
EBA RTS on the Determination of Indirect Exposures to Underlying Clients of Derivative and Credit Derivative Contracts
Synergies and Challenges in the Implementation of Basel IV Regulations Process
Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book
The Effects of FRTB in the CVA Risk Framework
FRTB - The Alternative IMA
Overview of CVA Framework Main Revisions
Structural FX Provision Final Guidelines (EBA/GL/2020/09) on the Treatment of Structural FX
Climate Change Risk: Overview of the Current Landscape and Next Steps for Financial Institutions
EBA Guidelines on Loan Origination and Monitoring
SA-CCR: Overview on Methodology and Challenges of the Revised Framework
Guidelines on ICT and Security Risk Management
Model Risk Management: Guidelines to an Effective Implementation
Calendar Provisioning: An Overview
New Challenge on SA-CCR: an Overview on Implementation Process
Covid-19 Measures to Mitigate Credit Risk EBA and BIS Initiatives
Guidelines on CRM for Banks Applying the A-IRB
Structural FX (S-FX) Provision EBA CP on the treatment of structural FX under 352(2) CRR
Climate Change Risk Overview on the Regulatory and Supervisory Evolution
EBA Draft Guidlines on Loan Originitation and Monitoring
SA-CCR Implications and Challenges of the New Regulation
Analysis of the New Standards to Measure and Manage the Risk of the Banking Book Issued by BIS Committee
The Effect of the FRTB in the CVA Risk Framework (Rev)
An Introduction to Counterparty Risk